Nick is a 12-year veteran of the web and considered a web craftsman by trade. His skills traverse web design, web development, user research, web analysis, information architecture, and web publishing. Nick founded his first web consultancy in 1994 in Portland, Oregon, and has since created web experiences for various Fortune 50 and 500 companies including Adobe, Boeing, Blue Cross / Blue Shield, Cisco, CitiGroup, FDIC, HP, IBM, Microsoft, PBS, Peet’s Coffee, and others.
He is the author of numerous web design-related articles for various publications and founder and publisher of Digital Web Magazine, “The web professional’s online magazine of choice.” He has participated as a judge for a few prestigious web awards in the industry. He has built a reputation as a community volunteer, where he helps promote growth within the web industry both locally and abroad. You can find Nick giving workshops and lectures for the industry’s leading organizations and universities.
Last Five Blog Posts
- Blink Interactive acquires Blue FlavorOmni Group redesign launches!New addition to the family: Leslie DohertyBlue Flavor joining forces with PondryWebVisions 2009
A Sampling of Projects Nick Has Worked On